The Balance of Rights (2018)

26th January 2018

The Balance of Rights: A documentary exploring vital issues concerning learning disabilities and the social care system.

Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 15.44.37AF Film has produced a 45 minute documentary investigating how the rights of people with learning disabilities are being effected by societal views and policy changes including austerity measures.

The main focus of the film documents the inequalities that exist in our society for people with learning disabilities and shows powerful and inspiring stories from people who have overcome disabilities to prove that they are capable of exercising their voice to affect change for both themselves and other people and organisations in their communities. The film is an honest appraisal of the current political climate and the services that are available to people with learning disabilities.

The film illuminates contradictions in our society and highlights the positive impact that those with learning disabilities can make not only in their own lives but to bring about change for our society as a whole. In the documentary we discuss many aspects of day to day life for people with learning disabilities and the issues that are important to them. This includes problems accessing basic services such as healthcare, housing, employment and education. These are issues that affect people with and without learning disabilities and so campaigns which are aimed at reversing political and social attitudes to bring about positive change for all society and not just the championing of rights for disabled people alone.Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 15.43.23

Contributors to the film include; Jonathan Bartley co-leader of the Green Party, Debbie Abrahams – shadow minister for Disabled People, Simon Duffy- Director of the Centre for Welfare Reform and Rob Grieg – author of 2001 valuing people governmental white paper and the head of the National Development Team for Inclusion, Prof. Olivier De Schutter – from the panel of the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights. These among other interviews have offered us an insightful account of how rights are being stripped away from people by current policy decisions and austerity as well as highlighting potential avenues for positive change.