11th August 2016
This unique art documentary follows the journey and aspirations of both composer Emily Peasgood and the Turner Contemporary Community Choir.
‘Lifted’ is a work composed to be performed in its natural environment, an elevator. Lift music or Muzak is something in the background, mostly disregarded. Emily brings this to the forefront and creates something that is the antithesis of Muzak, it is lift music that cannot be ignored.
AF Film has worked with Emily Peasgood on a number of projects in previous years and we were delighted to once again be engaged to produce a new collaborative work. AF Film documented the process of creation, rehearsal and performance but also sought to reflect in the films style the nature of composer and the environment.
emily peasgood
“I have commissioned Anton French on several occasions for Sounds Like Art. I am always excited to work with him and like to give him ‘free rein’ over my creative projects. He documents creative moments with insightfulness and artistry, bringing out themes I might not have considered or noticed myself. I cannot recommend him highly enough”. Emily Peasgood Composer and Artist.