GOLD Advisory Service
5th October 2016
We have been commissioned to help promote the GOLD advisory service for East Kent Mencap. The free service provides up to 12 weeks support for people with Learning Difficulties to help with problems such as debt, social isolation and benefits. Our brief is to produce a campaign which will include brand development and research prior to production of visual media to raise the presence and awareness of the GOLD service.
We are currently in the research phase of the project and once this is completed we will develop the distribution network for all the media and begin scripting for the visual media that will accompany the campaign. Our brief is also to develop networks for the digital and print distribution of the campaign material. We will be updating our progress as we proceed, if you would like to know more about the GOLD service, how to access it or if you would like to help distribute the campaign please get in touch with us.
*Update 20/10/16
We have had our script signed off by East Kent Mencap, all the acted parts within the film will be played by people from the Thanet community. We’ll be starting production in the next two weeks.
*Update 23/11/16
Filming is nearly complete for the GOLD Advisory Service. We’ve been working with some great people who have used the service. Margaret and Scott (in our starring roles) have been particularly vital, taking good direction and making the whole process run really smoothly. Also we’ve had lots of support from Learning Disability groups helping to promote the service and our film. We’ll update again when we’re nearing the finished edit.
*The project is completed. Please take a look here to see the film.